August 3, 2010

Famous Since Jaman Japan

Actually, the diamond trade in Banjar and Banjarbaru (formerly fused) has been famous since the days of Japan. At that time there was such a liability for the miners to sell the diamonds he found the Japanese people.

There's even used as a tribute. Typically, where the delivery is conducted in Batuah Market, a former movie theater. But over time, allowed miners to sell to local merchants. They deal in a small market not far from the theater in Martapura market.

Transactions done traditionally. Direct sellers meet buyers. Transactions and goods change hands. There is money there is a diamond. From this location distributed stones that are ready to be marketed, from the original to the synthetic (jenangan, injections, or stone process).

Need for Quality Improvement

Due to the precious stones such as diamonds and precious gems are characteristic Martapura, all is not lost on the existence and the existence of the miners and craftsmen who were hereditary wrestle at the event.

But alas, the craftsmen in this town have not been able to improve the quality of diamonds and gems, so when the traded price is very cheap. In addition to quality issues, consumers also questioned the gemstone product warranty, low price is no longer a first choice.

The existence of Institute Development and Certification Precious (LPSB) Banjar, expected to be able to revive gemstone business was hit hard earlier. Along with the disclosure of information and technological advances polish precious stones, art crafts and scrub experience adjustment.

Which often becomes a classic problem, patterns and systems used are still using a simple system and by using simple equipment as well. Here, the craftsmen began prosecuted using modern processing equipment, as well as the motives of the more interesting and polished.

This is based on the needs of market appetite, which is now demanding new innovations, both in motive, form and typical variation of any gemstone, which can be displayed by each craftsman.

Some things to be done related to the development potential of precious stones in Martapura.

   1. Develop mechanisms related investment is a precious stone that has the resources element of investment prospects in the future.
   2. Makes the potential for precious stones as one of the things that need to be more in-depth analysis to its development so that it can attract investors, both domestic and foreign.
   3. Develop production centers precious stones that are still sporadic and small-scale so that empowerment can increase employment opportunities and increase regional income.
READ MORE - Famous Since Jaman Japan

Jewels By Birth Month

Modern Birth Stone is a birth stone list recognized by the American National Association of Jewelers, Jewelers of America. Gem stones are officially recognized in 1912. In America, this list is recognized.

Traditional Birthstones is a list of the older gems (have existed since the 15th century), according to the prevailing traditions of each society, and sometimes combined with Modern Birthstones list. Many jeweler who has a different list for this Traditional Birthstones.

Mystical Birthstones list comes from Tibet, there since more than a thousand years ago.
Ayurvedic Birthstones list derived from Indian Ayurvedic medicine, a type of treatment has been used since thousands of years.
Stone is listed under the column "Other" correlated by Dave Thompson and other participants in the usenet newsgroup rec. birth stone jewelry crafts as an alternative.
READ MORE - Jewels By Birth Month

Usefulness Gems

It is inevitable that beliefs about the properties of gemstones has become a conversation in Indonesian society. Some have declined, but also not a few who refuse. Jewels and Accessories Store Online Martapura never offered nor explained that the jewel that we offer to have magical properties. We only sell pure beauty alone.

However, if there still believe the gemstone properties, we have searched for references regarding this issue. References that we deem most complete outlines the following gemstone properties.


Carnelian can help for matters related to the physical and emotional personality. Legend says that users will be protected from the dangers of carnelian and bless the wearer with courage. Carnelian is believed to cure insomnia disease (severe difficulty sleeping), providing a beautiful dream and contribute to the balance of the body. Types of agate with the ability to: 

Moss agate: to improve the relationship with the natural surroundings. Green moss helps to eliminate toxins in the blood and balance the emotional energy. Red moss helps purify the blood and increase physical stamina.
Agate tree: help in introspection more clearly, see the world through a broader viewpoint and reduce fever and toxicity 

Agate line / Band: help in the draw strength to overcome a sense of not having enough strength or courage
Lace agate / Interwoven: overcoming hopelessness and depression, causing excitement and relaxation of muscle tension and spasm. Blue lace agate helps to balance body fluids and give peace of emotion.
Agate resembling bird feathers: strengthen blood vessels and overcoming fear for no apparent reason. Useful to reduce fear in the hunt or find directions 

Carnelian beads: extra protection against traveler / wanderer, one of the adventurers stone
Carnelian Eyes: protect from damage to the body and remove negative thoughts
Agate dendrite: balancing blood sugar levels. Is the cornerstone of the adventurers to provide security and strength 

Carnelian India: give bodily strength, overcome insecurities / no peace and eliminate the physical and emotional weaknesses
Botswana agate: overcoming the uncertainty of the direction and personal goals

Alexandrite can help people to focus on ourselves, improve confidence and increase your ability to feel happiness. In Russia, Alexandrite is believed to be carrying a good sign. Alexandrite can also stimulate the sexual power and there is not enough to overcome a sense of love in one's life.

Used to increase the strength of inner / spiritual and intuitive person vigilance. Also used to relieve headaches. Legend has it, use the Amethyst or drinking from the cup made from it, will prevent accidental poisoning.

Aquamarine is often used for a good hope in the living and merciful love. Is said to help relieve depression and sadness. It is also believed to bring back the feeling of love at couples who have been married long and help get new friends. According to legend, Aquamarine wear as earrings / earrings will bring love and good influence. Other uses are to help the eye / vision, reducing the retention of body fluids and provide security in transit through the ocean.

Its main usefulness is to stimulate the flow of healing energy for all, combating physical trauma, eliminating the restrictions emotions and stimulate blood circulation. Bloodstone is believed to be able to stop the bleeding just by mere touch. In addition to its function for traditional medicine, during this Bloodstone is also used to add insight to the world view of someone. In the Middle Ages, Bloodstone is believed to have special powers because the spots / red spots on the stone is considered the blood of Jesus Christ (Jesus Christ).

Carnelian used to clear the mind (not able to see the reality). Can balance the process of thinking and creativity and increase the level / level of energy. Around the year 1700's, carnelian is said to provide strength and protection, bring good fortune and comfort. In the 1800's, carnelian is considered able to help people who need the courage to speak..

And many more other . . .
READ MORE - Usefulness Gems

In order for Durability Jewelry Shines

Special MOMENTS like many people used to exhibit a collection of jewelry that had been stored. Well, so you are always beautiful shining jewelry, jewelry should not be used immediately after storage, but cleaned up first. Way too easy.

   1. After use, wash the jewelry with liquid soap. Use a cloth made from soft, then wet with water and liquid soap. Rub the cloth on the jewelry. For parts that are difficult to use a soft toothbrush.
   2. Once clean, quickly dry the jewelry with a rag. You can also clean with a special cloth that has been equipped with cleanser. Lap this kind can be found at jewelry stores.
   3. Save the jewelry that had been dried in a clean container and dry completely.
   4. Save jewelry based on the material, such as silver with silver, white gold with white gold, and so forth.
   5. To avoid scratches on the jewelry, you can put jewelry in a separate plastic.
   6. Store jewelry in a cool room and avoid direct sunlight.
   7. Especially for pearl jewelry should not be stored for too long. Regularly wear jewelry because of the oil released our skin pores will continue to make shiny pearl.
READ MORE - In order for Durability Jewelry Shines

What Is a Silver Burn

People often hear and also often pronounce these words: "Silver Burn." Accessories are very much in demand lately fan of jewelry. This type of silver-colored black like the former burned so many people call it a silver fuel. It is a wrongly existing in our society. Even stranger was (the Netherlands), often called "Gebrant Zilver", meaning fuel is also silver. Equally misguided ..

Silver is not silver fuel burned to charred. Roasted silver shiny white and silver were the same.

Actually it's not black and silver because the combustion process but deliberately made with a mixture of black-based chemicals Sulphur / sulfur. Silver among the craftsmen, the term is in-oxide. Because virtually all types of good silver, black or white glossy experiencing the combustion process is the process of heating or soldering, so here it was obvious that the combustion process is not intended to create a silver to black.

In addition to the attractive colors, this type of demand because silver is more durable and seems so classic. In addition, a simple form and is not glamorous silver make fuel can be used at any time and place.
READ MORE - What Is a Silver Burn

Business development Jewels and Accessories Online

Online business is on the rise. No need is too expert on the web, coding, let alone the database. What is important there is intention, inshaAllah business can begin. Gem and jewelry business was not immune to the commodity used as the online business. Here are a few informal interviews with the team Mom Blog Permata Martapura Yosi Setiorini, owner Martapura Permata.

How Permata Martapura origin was established, the mother Yosi ?

Permata business ideas Martapura selling online jewelry and accessories come from my husband, Mas Beni Raharjo. Incidentally, he has been poor across the world wide web publishing long enough. At first I was a little hesitant to go, but finally I try to run. At that time the new moon in March 2008 we started to make the concept of including domain buying Effectiveness of a website's get online around May 2008. Alhamdulillah until now Permata Martapura been like this now.

Is there competition in the highly competitive online jewelry business ?

Honestly, when Permata Martapura start running, we are determined to build an online business such as Hibiscus T Jewelery had Mr Ronald, Yogyakarta. We're not ashamed to learn from what already exists. We're also not afraid to compete with the 'senior' because it's a different market segment. We are more focused on lower-class gem and medium-sized and additional accessories. At that time also existing Borneo Craft, which is now renamed Permata Kalimantan ( both of Banjarbaru - South Kalimantan, have my own friends Yuanita Mbak. The others I could mention Stores Permata, Dara Minang, Stone Accesories, Garden Vegetable dot Net, etc.. In addition to having their own web, many people have opened blogs on the web known. In no ABBA Banjarbaru Kalimantan, which sells accessories online via Multiply.

Like Mas can see, Permata Martapura domain using as the top-level domains that we use today. Having our own domain name value is very important to improve the image of Martapura Permata. We did not choose to create a website 'passengers' at, multiply, etc. because of those reasons. Software that we use still opensources we choose for cost considerations, of course. Websites we have created yourself from scratch. The period of preparation to get a full online approximately one month, in which already includes the process of learning how to operate and manage the website.
READ MORE - Business development Jewels and Accessories Online