Actually, the diamond trade in Banjar and Banjarbaru (formerly fused) has been famous since the days of Japan. At that time there was such a liability for the miners to sell the diamonds he found the Japanese people.
There's even used as a tribute. Typically, where the delivery is conducted in Batuah Market, a former movie theater. But over time, allowed miners to sell to local merchants. They deal in a small market not far from the theater in Martapura market.
Transactions done traditionally. Direct sellers meet buyers. Transactions and goods change hands. There is money there is a diamond. From this location distributed stones that are ready to be marketed, from the original to the synthetic (jenangan, injections, or stone process).
There's even used as a tribute. Typically, where the delivery is conducted in Batuah Market, a former movie theater. But over time, allowed miners to sell to local merchants. They deal in a small market not far from the theater in Martapura market.
Transactions done traditionally. Direct sellers meet buyers. Transactions and goods change hands. There is money there is a diamond. From this location distributed stones that are ready to be marketed, from the original to the synthetic (jenangan, injections, or stone process).
Due to the precious stones such as diamonds and precious gems are characteristic Martapura, all is not lost on the existence and the existence of the miners and craftsmen who were hereditary wrestle at the event.
But alas, the craftsmen in this town have not been able to improve the quality of diamonds and gems, so when the traded price is very cheap. In addition to quality issues, consumers also questioned the gemstone product warranty, low price is no longer a first choice.
The existence of Institute Development and Certification Precious (LPSB) Banjar, expected to be able to revive gemstone business was hit hard earlier. Along with the disclosure of information and technological advances polish precious stones, art crafts and scrub experience adjustment.
Which often becomes a classic problem, patterns and systems used are still using a simple system and by using simple equipment as well. Here, the craftsmen began prosecuted using modern processing equipment, as well as the motives of the more interesting and polished.
This is based on the needs of market appetite, which is now demanding new innovations, both in motive, form and typical variation of any gemstone, which can be displayed by each craftsman.
Some things to be done related to the development potential of precious stones in Martapura.
1. Develop mechanisms related investment is a precious stone that has the resources element of investment prospects in the future.
2. Makes the potential for precious stones as one of the things that need to be more in-depth analysis to its development so that it can attract investors, both domestic and foreign.
3. Develop production centers precious stones that are still sporadic and small-scale so that empowerment can increase employment opportunities and increase regional income.